TedrahSmothers’s Substack
recorded poems
After Rain, After Many Days Without Rain

After Rain, After Many Days Without Rain

Lingering in happiness

Hi Everyone,

I hope you enjoy listening to this poem. yet again, another masterpiece from our beloved, Mary Oliver.

I had been thinking about a poem regarding joy this week, and after the rain, I found myself reciting the first line of this one. Now, I want to share it with all of you.

The heat this week has been stifling. You know the kind of heat that engulfs you and makes you wilt. Inside the air conditioning fools us into thinking it might be nice to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. Then we step outside and want to come right back inside.

Then the rain came. It was one of those soft, steady, gentle summer rains, with the feeling that it was slowly quenching the thirst of the earth. I felt a sense of relief and comfort.

As I was watching the beautiful rain fall outside my front door, to the left, I noticed it was sunny outside my window, to the right. At that moment , I was struck with the realization that there might be a rainbow. I stepped outside onto my porch, into the rain, and there it was, a full rainbow and a feint double rainbow. 🌈 Rainbows are so magical, so glorious, so mystical, so scientific and utterly gleeful. Did you know there is a Hebrew blessing for witnessing a rainbow? I never can remember the Hebrew, but I always utter a prayer in my own voice, with gratitude and awe, to acknowledge the experience. I hope you were able to see the rainbow.

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granted a rainbow

Happy pride month!

May you linger in happiness

May you find the rainbow inside your clouds

May you feel awe and wonder

I am off now to teach a yoga lesson. I will be at Eastern Sun Yoga Studio this evening substitute teaching for Lou.

see you on the mat

lots of love,


TedrahSmothers’s Substack
recorded poems
poems read out loud by me